How important is "green" grilling to you?

A while back one of the "industry" people asked me about green grilling. There has been some attention lately regarding environmentally friendly outdoor cooking. Some people have been concerned about all those summer cookouts causing pollution and environmental problems. Others don't think that outdoor cooking presents much of a risk. There has been some good and bad science on both sides of the argument and it is hard to tell what the truth is. One popular story concerns the total amount of energy Americans use to cook their July 4th meal. It works out to enough power to run all the households in the United States for about an hour and 20 minutes. Anyway, perception is sometimes as important as science these days and I thought I would get your opinion on the problem, so this weeks question is:

POLL: How important is "green" grilling to you?
1) I am willing to change the way I cook
2) I'm concerned and will do a little about it
3) Worried but not willing to make sacrifices
4) I don't really think my cooking affects anything
5) Grilling or smoking just isn't a significant problem
6) I don't care and I'm not changing
7) Other (please specify in the Comments)

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